Everything You Need to Know About Bench Craft Company

Bench Craft Company

Bench Craft Company is a prominent name in the world of golf course advertising. Established in 1982, the company has grown significantly over the years, providing a range of marketing and advertising services specifically targeted at golf courses across North America. Bench Craft Company prides itself on offering businesses a unique opportunity to reach a highly targeted and affluent demographic—golfers. With its headquarters in Portland, Oregon, the company has a vast network that spans thousands of golf courses, making it one of the largest golf course advertising firms in the United States.

Services Offered by Bench Craft Company

Bench Craft Company specializes in creating and distributing custom-made scorecards, yardage guides, course guides, benches, and other products for golf courses. These items are not only functional for golfers but also serve as advertising platforms for businesses looking to reach this niche market. The company’s business model involves offering these items free of charge to golf courses, with the revenue generated from the advertisements placed on the products.

  1. Scorecards and Yardage Guides: Bench Craft Company’s most popular offerings are custom-made scorecards and yardage guides. These are essential tools for golfers, providing them with course layouts, distances, and other vital information. Businesses can advertise their products or services on these scorecards, ensuring their brand is seen by thousands of golfers.
  2. Benches and Tee Signs: Another significant product offered by Bench Craft Company is custom-made benches and tee signs. These are placed strategically around golf courses, offering businesses prime visibility to golfers as they play through the course.
  3. Course Guides and Maps: For golfers unfamiliar with a course, guides and maps are invaluable. Bench Craft Company produces high-quality, durable course guides and maps that also serve as advertising spaces for businesses.
  4. Digital Advertising: In recent years, Bench Craft Company has expanded into digital advertising. This includes digital scoreboards and online marketing strategies aimed at enhancing the visibility of businesses in the golfing community.

The Business Model

Bench Craft Company operates on a win-win business model. Golf courses benefit by receiving essential items like scorecards and benches at no cost, while businesses gain access to a highly targeted audience. This model has been instrumental in the company’s success, allowing it to establish long-term relationships with both golf courses and advertisers.

Golf courses are often on tight budgets, so the appeal of receiving high-quality, professionally designed scorecards and other products for free is significant. In return, businesses are willing to pay a premium for the advertising space, knowing that their ads will be seen by an audience that fits their target demographic.

Reputation and Client Base

Over the years, Bench Craft Company has built a strong reputation in the industry. Its client base includes a wide range of businesses, from local enterprises to large corporations, all seeking to tap into the lucrative golf market. The company’s extensive network of golf courses ensures that advertisers can reach their target audience effectively.

Moreover, Bench Craft Company’s commitment to quality has earned it a loyal customer base. The products are designed to be both functional and visually appealing, ensuring that they are well-received by golf courses and golfers alike.

Bench Craft Company Lawsuit

Like many successful companies, Bench Craft Company has not been without its challenges. One notable issue that has garnered attention is the Bench Craft Company lawsuit. This lawsuit has been a significant point of discussion and concern for both the company and its clients.

The lawsuit was filed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the late 2000s, alleging that Bench Craft Company had engaged in deceptive business practices. The FTC’s complaint focused on the company’s sales practices, claiming that it misrepresented its relationships with golf courses and the benefits advertisers would receive.

According to the FTC, Bench Craft Company allegedly told potential advertisers that their ads would be placed on products distributed at exclusive and prestigious golf courses. However, the FTC claimed that the company exaggerated the reach and effectiveness of its advertising services. As a result, businesses that advertised with Bench Craft Company did not receive the level of exposure they were promised, leading to financial losses.

In response to the lawsuit, Bench Craft Company denied the allegations, arguing that it had always operated in good faith and that any discrepancies were unintentional. The company asserted that it had made efforts to address any issues raised by advertisers and to improve its sales practices.

The lawsuit eventually resulted in a settlement between the FTC and Bench Craft Company. As part of the settlement, the company agreed to change its sales practices and to provide more accurate information to potential advertisers. Bench Craft Company also agreed to reimburse businesses that had been affected by the alleged misrepresentations.

While the lawsuit did cause some damage to Bench Craft Company’s reputation, the company has since taken steps to rebuild trust with its clients. It has implemented stricter guidelines for its sales representatives and has made efforts to ensure that its advertising services are transparent and effective.

Current Status and Future Outlook

Despite the challenges posed by the lawsuit, Bench Craft Company has continued to thrive in the golf course advertising industry. The company has used the experience as a learning opportunity, making significant improvements to its business practices and customer service.

Today, Bench Craft Company remains a leader in its field, providing valuable advertising opportunities to businesses and essential products to golf courses. The company’s ability to adapt and grow in the face of adversity is a testament to its resilience and commitment to its clients.

Looking to the future, Bench Craft Company is likely to continue expanding its offerings, particularly in the digital space. As technology continues to evolve, the company is expected to explore new ways to connect businesses with golfers, ensuring that its services remain relevant and effective.


Bench Craft Company has carved out a unique niche in the advertising industry, offering businesses a way to reach a highly desirable demographic through golf course advertising. While the company has faced challenges, including a lawsuit that questioned its sales practices, it has emerged stronger and more committed to transparency and customer satisfaction.

For businesses looking to advertise to golfers, Bench Craft Company offers a proven and effective solution. Its long-standing relationships with golf courses and its commitment to quality ensure that advertisers can reach their target audience in a meaningful way. As the company continues to innovate and adapt, it is likely to remain a key player in the golf course advertising industry for years to come.