How to turn on the light mode on Snapchat (Low light/ Dark mode)?

How to turn on the light mode on Snapchat (Low light-Dark mode)

Almost all of the social apps have introduced their customers to the Dark mode. The Dark mode is loved by almost everyone. It saves your eyes from hurting, and it makes the interface look cool too. So if you are a Snapchat user, and you want to turn on the Dark mode, then this article is for you. In this article, we will help you turn on the light mode on Snapchat. So let’s jump right into it.


What is Snapchat?

Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app that is always trending in this world. Almost everyone is using Snapchat. Snapchat has an attractive way of interacting with friends. It is named Snap-streaks. You can take a picture of anything you want, and you can show it to all of your friends. In this way, you can let your friends know where you are, what you are doing, and how you look. It has some privacy features too. If you replay your friend’s snap, Snapchat tells him/her that you have replayed it. And if you take a screenshot of their snap, profile, or even chat, then Snapchat sends them a notification. You can add your friends to your Snapchat account and have fun with them. You have to send them a friend request and they will have to accept it to become friends. You can send snaps, chat, and do a lot of stuff with each other. 

Now, you will be thinking about whether Snapchat lets you use its Dark mode or not. Well, let us tell you that Snapchat does not have this feature in it. You can not turn on the Dark mode on Snapchat. Some apps turn to dark mode when their device has its dark mode on. But Snapchat has no relation with the mobile phone’s dark mode. The only hack to get the dark mode of Snapchat is to use Snapchat’s light mode. Let us show you all about it.


Low-Light mode

Let us show you how to turn on the low-light mode on Snapchat.


Step 1

Open the Snapchat app on your mobile phone.


Step 2

Now, press your Android/iOS phone with your fingers and do not let any light enter your camera. This will automatically turn on the Low-light mode.


Step 3

After that, take the snap you want quickly because if your phone detects any kind of light, then it will disable the low-light mode. 


How to turn on Dark mode on Snapchat iOS?

Step 1

First of all, use Cydia to JailBreak your iPhone device.


Step 2

Then, install the iFile package on your iPhone.


Step 3

Use the link: To download the Nightmare Package files.


Step 4

Then, open the iFile and install the Nightmare Package.


Step 5

When the Package will be installed, restart your iPhone. 


Step 6

Open Snapchat. It will have the Dark mode on.


How to turn on Dark mode on Snapchat Android?

Step 1

First of all, root your Android device.


Step 2

Open the Google Play Store app on your Android phone and install the Substratum theme engine.


Step 3

Choose any of the dark themes after opening the theme engine.


Step 4

Select your device and the Snapchat app.


Step 5

Tap to install the app. It will run Snapchat on Dark mode.


We hope this article helped you in turning on the dark mode on Snapchat. There is no direct way of doing this. You have to use a third-party app for this purpose. If you have any queries regarding this topic, then you can ask us in the comment section. We would love to help you. You can also share your thoughts about this article in the comment section.