Creative ideas to grow Snap streaks

Creative ideas to grow Snap streaks

Snap streaks are the source of Snapchat addiction. People always try to have more streaks than others. If you want to grow your snap streaks, then you have to use Snapchat regularly, and use our creative ideas as well. In this article, we will give you some creative and effective ideas to grow your snap streak. So let’s jump right into it.


What is Snapchat?

Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app that is always trending in this world. Almost everyone is using Snapchat. Snapchat has an attractive way of interacting with friends. It is named Snap-streaks. You can take a picture of anything you want, and you can show it to all of your friends. In this way, you can let your friends know where you are, what you are doing, and how you look. Snapstreak is the feature that everyone looks for in Snapchat. It is one of the main reasons for Snapchat’s popularity. 

If you do not know about Snapstreak, then let us tell you. Snapstreak is the fire icon that appears in numbers in front of your friend’s profile. It is like a reward for staying connected with Snapchat every day. When you are having a Snapstreak with your friend, both of you can see a fire icon in front of each other’s profile. Snapstreak means that you and your friend have been sharing snaps in the last 24 hours for at least three days.

Snapstreaks start to appear on your friend’s profile when you both share snaps regularly for 3 days. It shows the number of days for which you have been sending snaps to each other. It is not an easy task to keep up a snap streak for too long. So, we are going to give you tips about snap stress. That will surely make your streaks last longer.


The first day of the streak

The feeling of your first Snapchat streak hits different. It becomes a memorable day. People will return your snap by a snap. It will feel good. You should start your Snapstreak on a special occasion. It will result in more replies.


Be Regular

Timing is very necessary when you are dealing with Snap streaks. If you can not be regular on Snapchat, then you can not keep up a snap streak. Your streak breaks when you do not send a snap within 24 hours. This means that sending a snap is a task you can not deny from. You should probably send a snap when you wake up and when you are going to sleep. Snapchat shows a sand timer emoji if you do not send a snap for a while. So if you see that emoji, then you better send a snap right away.


Rename your friend’s name

If you are having a streak with a lot of friends, then you might miss one of your least interacted friend’s snaps. Snapchat shows the most interacted contacts on the top of the list, and the least interacted contacts at the end of the list. You can edit your friend’s name to make it memorable. Click on your friend’s profile and tap on Edit name. You can change your friend’s name there. You can start their name with an “A” to take them on top of the list. It will let you find them quickly.


Send blank photos

If you can not think of a picture or a video, then you can just take a blank photo by covering the camera of your phone. You can send it to increase your snap streaks. As it is not compulsory to send the best quality picture on Snapchat, you can send any kind of picture on it. 


Use different filters

Snapchat allows you to use a ton of filters. You can choose any filter of your choice. It has some aesthetic, cool, funny, and beauty filters. If you have a long streak going on, then you will have access to more filters than an average Snapchat user. 


Send food snaps

You can send food snaps to your friends for fun. If you are out somewhere and having food, then you can take a picture of it and send it to your friends.


Start with your BFF

The best way to start a Snapchat streak is with your best friend. Your best friend will surely snap you back. When you are sending snaps to your friend, you do not have to take a good picture. Even a blank picture will work.


We hope this article helped you get creative ideas for growing your snap streak. We gave you some cool ideas that are easy to implement. You can grow your streak to as much longer an extent as you want. If you want to share anything about this topic, then you can in the comment section. If you have any queries, then you can also ask in the comment section. We would love to help you.