What are Snapchat Streaks?

What are Snapchat Streaks

Social media apps are trending over the internet. The source of their popularity amongst their users is that they keep trying to keep them engaged. They provide their users with the features that make them addicted to the app. Just like Instagram and Facebook, Snapchat has its way of engaging users. The most engaging feature of Snapchat is Snapstreak. In this article, we will show you all about Snapstreaks. So let’s jump right into it.

What is Snapchat?

Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app that is always trending in this world. Almost everyone is using Snapchat. Snapchat has an attractive way of interacting with friends. It is named Snap-streaks. You can take a picture of anything you want, and you can show it to all of your friends. In this way, you can let your friends know where you are, what you are doing, and how you look. Snapstreak is the feature that everyone looks for in Snapchat. It is one of the main reasons for Snapchat’s popularity. 

If you do not know about Snapstreak, then let us tell you. Snapstreak is the fire icon that appears in numbers in front of your friend’s profile. It is like a reward for staying connected with Snapchat every day. When you are having a Snapstreak with your friend, both of you can see a fire icon in front of each other’s profile. Snapstreak means that you and your friend have been sharing snaps in the last 24 hours for at least three days.

Snapstreaks start to appear on your friend’s profile when you both share snaps regularly for 3 days. It shows the number of days for which you have been sending snaps to each other. 

Are Snaps and streaks one thing?

No, Snaps and chats are both completely different things. You can do both of these with your Snapchat friends, but it does not make them similar. The pictures or videos that you send to your friends on Snapchat are called snaps while chat is just a simple conversation with your friend. Your Snapstreak numbers increase with the number of snaps, not the number of chats. 

What is the Snapchat timer?

When you are on a streak with someone, you get the fire icon as the default streak emoji. If you ever see a sand timer in front of your friend’s profile, then it means that your streak is going to end very soon. You can send your friend a snap to remove it. Sand clock emoji is the expiry timer for your Snapchat streak. Snapchat reminds you to send a snap to your friend before the 24-hour mark. 

What are the emojis in Snapchat?

Snapchat has a lot of emojis that mean many things. For example, when you reach a 100-days snap streak with your friend, then you will see a 100 emoji instead of the number. When you talk to a person a lot, you both get a yellow heart, when you talk for two more weeks, then it becomes a red heart. This keeps going for a while. The best thing about these emojis is that you can customize them according to your choice. 

How to break a streak?

When you will not send a snap to your friend for 24 hours, then your streak will break. Streak means that you use the app frequently. Maintaining a Snapstreak depends upon both of the friends. If one of you stops sending a streak, the streak will break no matter how many snaps the other person sends.

We hope this article helped you in learning about Snapstreaks. Snapchat has become very addicted due to these streaks. Using that much Snapchat can have a bad effect on your mental health. So we recommend you not to use it a lot. If you have anything to share about this topic, then you can share it in the comment section. If you have any queries about this topic, then you can also let us know in the comment section.