How to tell if someone removed you on Snapchat?

Snap chat is one of the most used social apps in the whole world. It lets you connect with your friends by snap streaks. You can add friends, have snap streaks with them. You get notified when someone sends you a request on Snapchat and you can respond to that. But if someone unadded you from Snapchat, then you will not be notified. Snapchat likes to keep that a secret. But there are ways in which you can get to know whether your friend unfriended you or not. So if you want to know whether your friend deleted you from Snapchat or not, then this article is for you. In this article, you will get to know about four different ways that will confirm that your friend has unfriended you from Snapchat. So let’s talk a little about Snapchat.

What is Snapchat?

Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app that is always trending in this world. Almost everyone is using Snapchat. Snapchat has an attractive way of interacting with friends. It is named Snap-streaks. You can take a picture of anything you want, and you can show it to all of your friends. In this way, you can let your friends know where you are, what you are doing, and how you look. It has other cool features too. But when it comes to finding who deleted you from your friend list, Snapchat is not that revealing. So we have to take some shortcuts to find that out.

So let’s talk about

How to tell if someone removed you on Snapchat?.


Step 1

someone unadded you on Snapchat

Go to the Snapchat friends list and search your friend’s name, if it does not show his/her name, then it means that they unadded you from their friend list.


Step 2

someone unadded you on Snapchat

Send your friend a snap and look whether the arrow appears grey or red. If it appears red, then he/she is stil added as your friend, but if it is grey, then it means that they have unfriended you. You can also look at the snap status, if it shows pending, then it means that they have unfriended you.


Step 3

someone unadded you on Snapchat

Tap on your friends name and look at their ID, if you can see their snap score, then it means that you are still friends with them, but if you can not, then it means that they have unadded you from Snapchat.


Step 4

someone unadded you on Snapchat


If your friend is still added with you, then you will get to know the number of received and sent snaps of your friend, but if you can not see it, then it usually means that they have unfriended you. Also keep in notice that some people keep their Snap-score private. So this step is not 100% true.


We hope this article helped you in noticing whether you are added with your friend or not. In this article, we showed you four different ways to find that out. This is an easy process. But if you still have any queries about this topic, then you can ask us in the comment section. We would love to help you.